Saturday, February 28, 2015

Working In A Series Base Fabric

I'm using Jane Dunnewold's 'Art Cloth' exploring surface design. I've dyed some base fabric and overdyed it in the same session. I first manipulated the fat quarter fabrics, more on that later, and dyed first in Marine Violet and second in Cerulean Blue.

Working left to right: this fabric was folded in squares and 2 canning lids were clamped on each side making a fabric sandwich. The blue, second dye, seemed to make no impression at all. The next piece was accordion folded and laid in a tray to dye, next one was also accordion folded but stood up in the tray and seems to have sucked up more dye than the one laying down. Last piece was scrunched in an onion bag, dyed purple, fixed, rescrunched, put back in the bag and dyed blue. Lots of texture in that last one.
These pieces will be the base for more techniques applied to them.
I also made up some markers for applying paint. Mostly legumes glued, dried and then painted over for protection. Bonus, legume drawer cleaned out! Also some glued down string and corks bundled together.
Discharging is one of the techniques coming up and I'm finding it difficult to find the product that stops the bleaching action. Can find the discharging stuff but not the stop so I'm not sure what I will do about that.

Click over to Vicki's to see what everyone else is working on.


Vicki W said...

Oh what fun!

Linda Evans said...

You can purchase that antichlorine chemical at a pool supply store. I couldn't find it at the big box stores, had to go to the specialty store.

elle said...

These is greatly inspiring. Using the seeds is a wonderful idea. :)